Manns, Some weights of the Hellenistic Roman and Byzantine periods (Museum 7)

Manns, Some weights of the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods

Frédéric Manns, Some weights of the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods (Museum 7), Jerusalem 1984

Scheda nel sito delle Edizioni Terra Santa

In his general catalogue of the Museum of the Flagellation, published in 1939, fr B. Bagatti mentioned some weights of interest for scholars who are studying the Byzantine Period.

Since then, the collection of fr G. Kloetzli added many new weights from Hellenistic Period, who are important for their inscriptions and their symbols. In Studia hierosolymitana in onore di p. Bellarmino Bagatti I (studi archeologici), fr Manns presented in French a description of some weights, he retained important. Later, he published some others in the Liber Annuus 31 (1981).

The catalogue which he presents in an English translation integrates the previous studies and adds some new elements. This monograph is an initial work of a larger enterprise which will embrace all the greek Inscriptions of the Museum.


The lead weights
The bronze weights
The copper Byzantine weights
The Agoranomos in the biblical, ancient and rabbinical Literature.